Registration form

    Personal information:

    Gender*: malefemale

    What type of room would you like to stay in?

    How did your hear about this training?

    Incase of emergency:

    About your practice:

    How long have you been practicing?

    Please provide a detailed description of your daily yoga practice. Which postures do you practice during a typical session? Do you practice meditation? Do you practice pranayama?

    What is your favorite style of yoga to practice and why is it your favorite?

    What is most important to you in your yoga practice?

    How has your yoga practice developed over time?

    From a student’s perspective, what qualities do you think make a great yoga teacher? Do you feel you have these qualities? Please specify.

    Why would you like to become or be, as the case may be, a yoga teacher?

    Why do you want to enter this particular Yin Yoga Teacher Training at this time in your life?

    What are your goals as a yoga teacher once you are certified?

    Teaching Experience:

    Are you currently teaching yoga?

    If yes, for how long?

    What tradition or style, and where did you receive your certification?

    How many classes per week?

    Do you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by all the applicable Terms and Conditions, which serve as a binding contract between you and Marije Paternotte and that you are eligible to participate in the Training under the conditions set forth in those terms? If you do not agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions, your application for the Training cannot be accepted.

    I confirm