how to sit to stop doing and change your mind
Change Your Mind

I've been dealing with a serious health challenge in my family for the last couple of months, which has me traveling back and forth across the Atlantic. This is why I haven't written in a while, as other things seem more important at the moment....

Google Mind

- Guest Blog by Evangelos Diavolitsis -   Insight of the day. Stillness is the best google search! I discovered this afternoon that a still mind is much more educational and illuminating than any google search. What do I mean by this? When my thinking mind is still, I notice I...

About Loving Kindness and Why Practice It

I never really understood the practice of Loving Kindness, metta, until recently. Sure, I had read about it, heard about it in my trainings, practiced it, and even taught it, but somehow I didn’t ‘quite get it’. That is until I read Christina Feldman’s book...

The Second Arrow

The teachings of the Buddha about the Second Arrow are a great way to understand why holding on to a grudge causes so much more suffering than the actual event that caused the grief. Two Buddhist monks are silently walking along a path. When they reach...

Loving What Is

The other day I had this (homemade) chocolate cake for lunch. I am so tired of the “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts”, both in my own mind and what society thinks. Yesterday I read an Instagram post from a befriended yoga teacher sharing all the plans she made...

The Struggle of Not-Doing

Recently I spent several days on the couch. Lying flat. Not because I wanted to, but because an old lower back injury had came back in full force. My doctor said it might not heal if I didn’t take complete rest. I love resting and taking...

Grief is a Bitch

When Paula had just passed away I didn’t feel anything. I had seen this moment coming for quite a while. We had exchanged our last text messages saying how much we loved each other. My husband and I went for a walk on the beach...

Gluten-Free High Protein Banana Peanut Butter Cranberry Muffins

I’ve shared before that I often use cookbooks as a source of inspiration and then make my own version of the recipes. This is one of those recipes. I have made similar muffins from The Karma Chow Ultimate Cookbook by Melissa Costello many times. When...

My Kitten Teachers

I’ve wanted a kitten for a long time. Or two, actually. But because my husband and I were always traveling, it never seemed like a good idea. Enter the pandemic. We suddenly found ourselves home all the time. And it doesn’t look like we are...

What you should (not) be eating – part 2

In part 1 of this blog (read it here) I shared all the things you should and should not eat according to the 'experts', and I invited you to learn to listen to your own body to give you guidance instead. Another suggestion is to...

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