
Movement · Balance · Stillness

“Merge movement with unchanging stillness. Blend stretch with breath and depth-mind awareness. Bridging the inner and outer realms is yoga’s gift, allowing layer after layer to peel away until the truth is undisputable, and I am left suspended like a drop of dew, poised and lucid in the quiet.”

– Danna Faulds

I kindly invite you to explore my website to find how you can return to,  or maintain, your optimal physical and mental health. Essential presence – the foundation of a balanced mind and way of being – can be found practicing flowing yoga sequences, quiet Yin yoga poses, nurturing breathing exercises, balancing healing sessions, still contemplation through Mindfulness meditation, and/or the use of essential oils. I would be delighted to assist you in creating a custom practice that will allow you to find your Essential Presence.

More about Marije

What I offer



There are many different reasons for practicing yoga. Maybe you’d like to become more flexible, enhance your physical endurance, or simply improve your overall health. Perhaps you injured yourself and would like to get back to your full range of motion and strength. You may feel stressed and would like to use movement to find stillness in your mind. Or you’d like to create a deeper self-awareness and use your body to go inside.

healing hands



Balance is our natural order. It is a state in which things occur in equal or proper amounts. Our body naturally works towards homeostasis – a stable state of equilibrium. But then life happens: too much work, too little sleep, worries, family issues, unhealthy diet, or whatever it may be, lead to physical, mental and emotional dis-ease. In other words: imbalance.



Taking a moment to be still allows you to tune into the immediacy of your experience; to notice it as it is right now. A moment of stillness can be just a pause, a moment in which you stop doing and simply take a deep breath.

Essential Oils

Essential Presence

Essential oils can support you on your way to optimal health, and can help to manage emotions. They will enhance your home life when diffusing your favorite fragrance, and by using earth friendly beauty and cleaning products boosted with the power of flowers and plants. By creating a ritual around using your oils, you will create a sense of presence that is essential for your well being.


90-minute Summer Workshop: You Are Worthy



Divine Feminine Inner Journey Mentor Program


4 weekends – new dates coming soon

50-hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training


October 13 – 19, 2024 – Italy

Mandali Immersion – The Season of Grounding: Early Fall Retreat



Practice with me. Any time. Anywhere.


November 2 – 8, 2024 – Thailand

Insight Yoga and Meditation Retreat


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